
Brief Guide to The Best Headshots

Here Is a Brief Guide to The Best Headshots for You

Photography is not just a hobby or a profession. It is considered a divine art, something that needs to be honored. This requires taking photographs of the highest caliber. It is about taking pictures that don’t just offer you a two-dimensional view. A true expert photographer will create images that allow you to dive deep into them, explore the entire story that is being portrayed, experience the captured scene as if you were a part of it.


Photography has branched out into a wide array of alternatives. Beginners and amateurs normally stick to refining their skills through headshot photography. This may not be the easiest form of photography, but with less to fill the frame with, it offers a great platform for you to sharpen your skills as a photographer. If you are beginning your journey as a photographer, or want to be an expert at headshot photography, the following tips will surely help you a lot.

Begin by Breaking Ice

Being a headshot photographer, you are shooting your subject from a closer angle. Not every model or subject that you are shooting will be able to showcase the style and expressions as you want them to. Some are camera-shy while others may not be comfortable in the first place. Talk to your subject, get to know them, and let them know you. A little pre-shoot ice-breaking session can go a long way in helping you end up with great headshots.

Use Light Wisely

Lighting is a key aspect of all forms of photography. You just cannot isolate light and photography from each other. In headshot photography, however, using lighting to your advantage is of much greater importance. It can define the mood of the environment and add definition to every part of the frame. A great way to use lighting to your advantage is to have reflectors on the set. They help reflect/spread-out light and throw it onto the subject, bringing more clarity to the shot.

It also matters greatly where you place your light-banks, especially when shooting the subject inside. Being a headshot photographer, it is a part of your job to ensure that the light falls evenly on the subject from the tip of the head to the shoulders.

The Right Attire

A headshot is not just about the technical aspects of your photography brilliance. The subject and its attire also help greatly in making the headshots perfect. Different attires convey different messages. Always choose the ones that drag attention towards the faces of people rather than take it away from them. Consider the color and tone of the person being shot and opt for the clothing that assists it.

In addition to that, also consider the purpose of the headshot. If you are shooting for a more formal publication, the attire should be more formal and vice versa. A good way to start is to keep some of the most commonly opted for apparel pieces at your studio. This might include jackets, coats, and ties etc.

The Background

Backgrounds are key in all forms of photography, but again, in headshot photography, the importance elevates to a higher level. Here too, you have to factor in on how the images will be used. For instance, a more formal shot will require a background that looks professional enough to complement the subject.

Whether you shoot indoors or outdoors, headshot photography requires you to separate background from the subject. The reason it is more emphasized in this form of photography is that you are capturing the subject in a close-up. If there is even a slight bit of blend between the subject and the background, it will lead to an image that offers mediocre results.  

Positioning Subject and Camera

There is a common thought among amateur photographers that since headshots are a close up of the subject, there is not much positioning involved. There is absolutely nothing right about this conclusion. An expert headshot photographer will shoot the subject at a 45-degree angle. The face of the subject should be towards the main source of light. At this angle, you will be able to take a perfect headshot. Once you get the hang of it, you can try out different positions for how the subject meets the lens. The positioning of your camera also determines if the subject should be looking towards the flash or somewhere random.

The Right Lens

Not all lenses are perfect for headshot photography. Unless you have become a pro at it, it is always advised that you use a 90mm lens or above. This will help you capture great headshots. For the most part, it is due to the fact that your shots will not become a victim of lens distortion.

Know Your Adjustments - Have you ever gone to a studio where the headshot photographer tells you to tilt your head sideways or maybe pull your chin up a little? It might sound annoying but these minute alterations can have a major effect on the picture. You should know about these minor alterations. It is all about getting the subject fit into the frame. The more perfect a fit is, the better will be the headshot you produce. Here’s a hint: try the rule of thirds!

The Depth Effect

You probably would have heard the term being used for iPhone 7 cameras. The depth effect is actually a key part of headshot photography. It means that your background should be completely blurred out to offer a pan focus to your shot. Fun fact: Even in the iPhone, you can only shoot headshots with the depth effect mode.


Are you looking forward to being a headshot photographer, or want to hire one for a project? Let Dino Mosley Photography help you! With years of experience in the field, we have great expertise in all forms of photography. We already serve a wide range of client around the country. To hire us, you can dial 323-332-1197, or reach us at







Dino Mosley